Saturday, July 16, 2011

Road Trip to Evanston

Avery and I headed to Evanston to visit family.  It took all day to get there, but once we did, we got to see our awesome family.
(The infamous penis rock on Hwy 287 from Fort Collins to Laramie)

These rocks rock!

Windmills (or as Avery says, WindBlows)

Avery took this picture of Scott before we left.

Me and my handsome nephew, Julian.

Cute as a button.  He army crawls now and will soon be walking, I just know it. 

Mom bought a cool pool for the kids to play in.

Julian, my mom, and Avery.

Aliza, Julian, and my mom

Liza Loo Likes the Water

Avery in her swimming suit

Holly, Avery, and Juilian

Fun in the Sun

Later, Avery and I went to visit Fawa's family.  This is Warren being so so sweet.

Brig and Avery jumping on the trampoline

I taught them "In the Middle," a song Avery learned at school.

Avery can't help making funny faces every time she poses for a pictures.

Like this one.  I was trying to get Kristi and Aliza, but Avery was hogging the camera space.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Aurora with Dad

Over the past couple of days, we've traveled up to Aurora to get the condo finished.  Its been raining a whole lot.  Here is a rainbow we saw leaving Aurora the first day.  We watched awesome thunderstorms on the way home.

This picture is actually one I took in Colorado Springs the next day.

At our front door, just getting home from Aurora.

An awesome picture Avery drew while we were taking the camper.

Me and Avery.  I was trying to get a picture of a really bright rainbow behind us, but I obviously couldn't get it in the shot.

Tried again.  Didn't work.  A well.  I got this cute kid, though.

Playdate with Alan and seeing cousins

Even though it was super super hot, my friend, Jen, and her son, Alan, met us at the park for a bit.

Avery really does like him but she was being quite shy with him today.  The only way she really played with him is by convincing ME to go down the slide!  Jen was a trooper and went a few times too.

Avery helped me cook lunch today.  We made a pasta salad. 

She helped by lining everything up and placine a noodle on top of all of the lids.  (I better send this tip to Rachael Ray!)

Later, we went to spend some time with cousins.  Here is a picture of Elizabeth and Avery sharing a bagel.

Me and Sam the Man.

And Anna Sweet Anna.

Undergound Playground for a Rainy Day

Avery loves every chance she can get to use her Dora umbrella.  The rain came down on us today, so we went to Focus on the Family's Underground Playground called.

After we played for a while, she and I ate our lunch we packed at the soda shoppe. 

Later, we found a new library to visit and picked up the last of her summer reading program prizes:  a new book!  This is a picture of us with one of her earlier prizes we redeemed today at the Chocolate Factory:  her very own chocolate bar. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Avery and I went to Skate City and tried skating for the first time.

It was quite the workout for my back as I held her up the whole time.

I made sure to bring knee pads, but I think a BUTT pad would have been better.

At least we had a good time in the Air Conditioning as it was one hot hot day.

July 4th

I LOVE this picture because on the count of 3, Avery raised her hand up to celebrate!

Me and Avery enjoying the heat

Going to Rampart Reservior

Fishing on the rocks.

Nope, didn't catch a thing.

Avery and Daddy

Later that evening, we met our friend Marty at his new house and helped him unload his family and thier stuff into thier new house.  We also watched the fireworks from up the street.  It was perfect.  We hadn't seen fireworks that close for many years!