Saturday, July 16, 2011

Road Trip to Evanston

Avery and I headed to Evanston to visit family.  It took all day to get there, but once we did, we got to see our awesome family.
(The infamous penis rock on Hwy 287 from Fort Collins to Laramie)

These rocks rock!

Windmills (or as Avery says, WindBlows)

Avery took this picture of Scott before we left.

Me and my handsome nephew, Julian.

Cute as a button.  He army crawls now and will soon be walking, I just know it. 

Mom bought a cool pool for the kids to play in.

Julian, my mom, and Avery.

Aliza, Julian, and my mom

Liza Loo Likes the Water

Avery in her swimming suit

Holly, Avery, and Juilian

Fun in the Sun

Later, Avery and I went to visit Fawa's family.  This is Warren being so so sweet.

Brig and Avery jumping on the trampoline

I taught them "In the Middle," a song Avery learned at school.

Avery can't help making funny faces every time she poses for a pictures.

Like this one.  I was trying to get Kristi and Aliza, but Avery was hogging the camera space.

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