Monday, July 11, 2011

Playdate with Alan and seeing cousins

Even though it was super super hot, my friend, Jen, and her son, Alan, met us at the park for a bit.

Avery really does like him but she was being quite shy with him today.  The only way she really played with him is by convincing ME to go down the slide!  Jen was a trooper and went a few times too.

Avery helped me cook lunch today.  We made a pasta salad. 

She helped by lining everything up and placine a noodle on top of all of the lids.  (I better send this tip to Rachael Ray!)

Later, we went to spend some time with cousins.  Here is a picture of Elizabeth and Avery sharing a bagel.

Me and Sam the Man.

And Anna Sweet Anna.

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