Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beth's Visit

This is the day that my sister Beth came to visit us from Wyoming.  We had an action packed visit with each other.  By the end of it all, we we tuckered out by all the climbing we did.  Check out all of Beth's awesome pictures she sent to me!

Cave of the Winds

Beth takes a picture of all of us trekking it through the caves.

I love this picture because Beth looks normal, I look like I just underwent an eyelift, and Avery is still sporting her bruise from falling off the slide. 

This is called "cave bacon."

The next day, we made a trip to the zoo.

. . . where Beth and Avery hung out in a large jug.

. . . and pet a wallabee.

Me and Beth at the top of the mountain

Avery feeding Chickens.

(create your own caption here.)  mine is too innappropriate

Then we visited the Shrine of the Sun at the top of Cheyenne Mountain.

View of Colorado Springs and beyond

(kind of like Alice and Wonderland?)

Day three:  water park

and bubbles

Avery and I made the word TOY.

Day 4:  Mini-golf

It was WAY to hot for me.

Beth gave Avery a HUGE sucker to say goodbye.
Thanks for the fun times, Beth!

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