Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Haircut and Dallon's Blessing

One day, Avery came out to the school with me.  I was so surprised when I looked over and she drew a bat!  It really looks like on too!

We went to Prospect Lake to ride the scooter.

Play on the playground

Get in the water

And fish.

Later, we went to the ice cream shop where Avery drooled over the choices.

The next day, we went to cut Avery's hair.

This is a family get together at Jon and Julie's house.

It was awesome because most of the family was there.  We were missing Annika, Brandon, Cindy, and Merabelle.  Not that bad for an impromtu reunion!

Scott holds Dallon.

Avery's new haircut.

Girlie time!!!!!
Elizabeth, Avery, Hanna, Tavia, Azaria, Anna

Baby Blue Eyes

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