Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spring Spree and Fishing

You can clearly see the excitement on Avery's face.  We had a super fun time today.  Even she said as she went to bed this evening, "Mommy, I sure did have a fun time with you today."  

We didn't really plan much.  Just to go down to Prospect Lake and play on the playground.  I was also secretly hoping that she's let me fish for a bit.

But when we got down there, we noticed that Spring Spree (a carnival like celebration) was set up nearby.  I enjoy things like that, but they can be frustrating and expensive too, so I quickly became irritated that I wouldn't find a parking spot near the playground.  But we got lucky today and found one. 

As we passed the Ferris Wheel in the car, she said "Oooh, that would be fun!"  So after we played on the playground, I thought we'd just go and check it out. 

The picture above is Avery's first ride on the Ferris Wheel. 

This is me and Avery sitting in our own Ferris Wheel "cage" together.  Actually, they called it a gondola.

Next, we rode the Merry-Go-Round.

Check it out!  After 4 years of bad luck fishing, I actually caught something!  Avery and I fished for about 2 hours at Prospect Lake.  I caught 5 fish just like this Sunfish.

Avery wanted to touch them all.  She asked where thier mommies were, and told them each good-bye as we let them go.

Between playing in the wet sand, and peeing in the bushes "like Chuckles," Avery fished too.

And she caught her very own!  After I unhooked it, she let it go back in the water herself!  This is her first ever fish!!!  You go, girl!

She did such a good job reeling him in!

Today was full of fun and adventure.  Really, it was one of my favorite days of summer so far!  Later, Avery asked if I was happy.  I couldn't help but just smile at her and give her the biggest hug ever. 

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