Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tree with a Face

Avery and I went golfing today.  We didn't keep score, but she sure enjoyed herself.  She said, "I am really good at this!"  I agreed, as she would have beaten me if I were playing. 

 Later, we went to the ARC, where Avery found a cute hat and purse.  She also tried on a billion pairs of shoes.  She loves the way they CLICK CLACK on hard floor.

We also scored a push bike for 5 bucks.  Now I can push her without bending down.
So we used it to take Chuckles for a walk.  And now. . what you all have been waiting for. . .
This is what Avery has been talking about every day for the past week.  She begs to go for a walk and look at . . . .

The tree




She said it is WEEEEEIRD!

P.S.  It was super hot again today, but we aren't complaining a bit.  Its nice to just hang out in the back yard together. 

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