Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zach's B-Day Party

Avery and I took a trip to Chuck E Cheese today.

She goes nuts when she gets to see him in person!

Scott, Avery and I went up to Denver to to celebrate cousin Zach's 4th birthday at the park.  It was a perfect day to spend outside with family!

Zach had a super great time with his new bike helmet and pads!

Pregger Chelsea is glowing!  Her belly is sticking out and she looks adorable.  I keep trying to feel here baby kick, but he/she is a stinker and stops kicking when I try to feel.  We all think its a boy.  But only time will tell!  Just like with Hannah, she is waiting until the big day arrives to find out what God has given to her!
This is part of the building we held the BBQ.

The girls made a HopScotch.  I caught a picture of Avery in mid jump!

Tune in tomorrow for a day of relaxation!
We are all beat.

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