Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We took a family trip to Aurora to work on the condo.  It is really looking so nice and its almost ready to rent out.  Avery and I were going to swim in the pool, but it was closed for the day.  I couldn't pull her away.  She wanted to stare at the pool even though we couldn't go in.

Since we had our bathing suits with us and Dad needed to work on the condo (we weren't much help), we asked him to drive us up a few blocks to the acuatic center to go swimming.

But we struck out there too as there was no open swim!  So we hung out at the park instead.  We saw a mommy duck with her seven babies.

Avery played for hours on a tire swing.
 We walked around some ponds.
And enjoyed the perfect weather. When we got back to the condo, we baked a pizza that Avery and I made earlier in the day.
On the way back home, as Avery slept, Scott and I discussed "scary" movies that we remember from when we were kids.  Here are a few that we remember.

Pet's Cemetery -family pets come back to life with demonic characteristics
CUJO - dog gets rabies and terrorized town - Steven King Style
The Goonies - Kids solve mystery through adventure, romance, and comedy (not really scary)
Freddie Crougar - crazy dude terrorizes kids' dreams
Cat's Eye - freaky troll guy steals your breath while you are sleeping
Aliens - baby alien explodes from woman's abdomen and android-man squirts out milk for blood.
Preditor - Invisible Monster stalks the Governator in jungle - also skins people and hangs them in trees.
Chuckie -  cabbage patch goes loony and goes on killing spree
Jaws - Shark eats really stupid people
Goulies - green turd monsters come out of toilet when least expected
Tremors- big teethy worms chase Emilio Estavez and companions.  Reba MacIntire shoots elephant gun.
The Excersist - posessed girl rotates head 360 degrees and projectile vomits
Amytiville Horror - House is built over indian burial ground. Man turns on family
The Shining - Jack Nicolson goes crazy in Hotel in Estes Park.  Great ax scene.

The list can go on, but we would like to hear about your favorites.  Comment with a movie that you remember being scary!

1 comment:

  1. HELLLOOOO - How could you forget Sleep Away Camp?
    Honestly, when I was little Gremlins was the scariest movie ever - I had nightmares for weeks.
