Friday, June 10, 2011

Bishop's Castle

We took a really cool adventure today to Bishop's Castle.  It's about 1hr and 1/2 maybe 2 hours south of here, west of Rye, Colorado.  It is located just off the Hwy 165.  Mr. Bishop is a gentleman who has building his castle by hand by himself for 43 years!  The craftmanship is superb the thought of one man doing this by himslef is mind-boggling.  I took tons and tons of pictures, so enjoy!

(Avery tried dressing herself today)

(Sami and Avery at Kohl's)

(Drive south of Pueblo to Rye, Colorado)

Bishop's Castle (43 years work in progress)


(Dragon's head)

(steps we traversed)

Main room

(looking up at the roof)
(Sami, Moriah, Danielle, Mike Moore)

(near the top)

(view from near the top)

(going down the stairs) - in one turret, they are stone.  In the other, they are wrought iron.

The Moore Family inside turret

(Avery had to ride in the Ergo, as the steps are a bit unstable for a wee one)

(This is the highest Avery and I went, but Sami and Danielle went even higher!)

Danielle and Sami

At the bottom

Great Craftmanship

This is Lake Isabel.  I so so so want to camp and fish here!

Lake Isabel

I hope you've enjoyed one of my favorite days of this summer!

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