Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spring Spree and Fishing

You can clearly see the excitement on Avery's face.  We had a super fun time today.  Even she said as she went to bed this evening, "Mommy, I sure did have a fun time with you today."  

We didn't really plan much.  Just to go down to Prospect Lake and play on the playground.  I was also secretly hoping that she's let me fish for a bit.

But when we got down there, we noticed that Spring Spree (a carnival like celebration) was set up nearby.  I enjoy things like that, but they can be frustrating and expensive too, so I quickly became irritated that I wouldn't find a parking spot near the playground.  But we got lucky today and found one. 

As we passed the Ferris Wheel in the car, she said "Oooh, that would be fun!"  So after we played on the playground, I thought we'd just go and check it out. 

The picture above is Avery's first ride on the Ferris Wheel. 

This is me and Avery sitting in our own Ferris Wheel "cage" together.  Actually, they called it a gondola.

Next, we rode the Merry-Go-Round.

Check it out!  After 4 years of bad luck fishing, I actually caught something!  Avery and I fished for about 2 hours at Prospect Lake.  I caught 5 fish just like this Sunfish.

Avery wanted to touch them all.  She asked where thier mommies were, and told them each good-bye as we let them go.

Between playing in the wet sand, and peeing in the bushes "like Chuckles," Avery fished too.

And she caught her very own!  After I unhooked it, she let it go back in the water herself!  This is her first ever fish!!!  You go, girl!

She did such a good job reeling him in!

Today was full of fun and adventure.  Really, it was one of my favorite days of summer so far!  Later, Avery asked if I was happy.  I couldn't help but just smile at her and give her the biggest hug ever. 

Rainy Day But Fun Anyway

It rained for a bit today, but we didn't complain.  It was nice to have a change in the weather.  Plus, it means that Colorado will be even greener, which we all love.  We didn't have to plant flowers in the back this year at all.  They have grown back from years previous.  The irises are bulbs from Chelsea's yard.  She gave them to use 3 or 4 years ago.  This and last year, they have really taken off.  The red dianthis (or something like that) have come back this year.  I haven't had too much with them coming back year to year on the past, but we were lucky this year. 

Avery's bruise is spreading out a bit, but her eye is less puffy today.  It doesn't seem to bother her.  That's another thing about being a rainy day.  We didn't go out really at all, so I didn't have people asking me about her "owie."

As I was cooking dinner, Avery did a puzzle all by herself for the very first time.  She was so proud of herself.  I was too, of course!

This is the cheese that we made at Sarah's house.  It is so so delicious!

We had a great day.  Even though it was low-key, we got the house cleaned and enjoyed just being home.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bumps, Bruises, and Cheese (yes, cheese)

Last evening, Avery fell off of a very tall metal slide and got banged up.  So today we chilled around the house, keeping an eye on her injuries.  The pictures below are photos of her at about 4 o'clock when the swelling went down quite a bit.  Last night, her eye was almost swollen shut.  I just couldn't make myself take pictures of it that bad - I already feel guilty as it is.  I am just thankful that my baby is okay. 

This evening, we went to Sarah and Ken's house to make mozarella cheese!  Ken sang to Avery on the porch, while Sarah and I made cheese and played Spanish Scrabble.  *She totally kicked my butt.  Here's how:

I went first and played "Dale"  pronounced "DAH lay" meaning "Hit it!" like a pinata. for minimal points.
Her first play was "Exitosos" meaning "successful" as a plural adjective for 95 points!!!
Wowza.  I have only every played Spanish Scrabble with her twice and she kicked my butt both times.  Thanks for the challenge, Sarah!

So, to make cheese, you need some special stuff.  I can't remember exactly, but something that sound like "reslin."  I am probably saying that wrong.  Also, whole milk (pasturized but not ultra pasturized), a bit of water, cheese salt, and I guess that's it. 

Once the ingredients are added and the temp. is reached, it sits for a few minutes to curdle.  Then you strain it into cheese cloth.

Sarah took a way cool picture of me squeezing the cheese to drain out the whey, but I forgot to save it.  Boo.  But after that, we heated it in the microwave and kneaded it.  Then we had cheese!  It is in my refrigerator now.  I plan to eat it tomorrow with some tomatoes and Ritz crackers.  (Thanks again Sarah for the awesome cheese making experience!)

Hike and Accident

Today our friend, Sarah, came by for a quick visit and to give us some cilantro.  Avery begged her to read to her in her bedroom. 

Later, we went on a hike with Julie, Jon, Sam, Elizabeth, Anna, and baby Dallon (arm sticking out of Mamma's Moby baby carrier). We had a super time walking a talking with everyone.  We ended up at a park, where the kiddos were playing around.

Then, the most scary thing happened.  The worst mommy moment so far in my life.  (EVERYTHING IS OKAY, but keep reading)  Avery and I went on the slide together and then she went by herself.  I guess I figured by the third time, she could handle it. (I don't even want to write about this part, but I am anyway)  I was talking to Jon, when I heard Avery and turned to see her falling cartwheel stlyle down the steps of the metal slide (10 ft. high or more, I'd say.) I booked it over there to console her, scared out of my mind.  She had just a few scratches on her shoulder, and had scraped her chin somewhere.  But worst of all, there she hit her temple and there was a blue goose egg already forming near her eye.

Jon checked her eyes for dialation, and everything seemed fine.  So we trekked it back to the car, me worried the whole time.  I wasn't sure as to how severe her injury was.  She could have hit her head harder than what it seemed.  She is totally fine, so no one worry.  (I did enough of that last night as I tossed and turned with prayers that I was making the right decision by not taking her to the doctor).  Anyhow, she is a trooper, my Avery.  She is her sweet little self, just a bit black and blue and swollen.  

I wasn't going to post any pictures, because I didn't want to freak anyone out.  But really, she's fine and the bruising isn't going to go away until a few days.  So, the next post with have her face shots so you can see her poor black and blue face.  :(   

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zach's B-Day Party

Avery and I took a trip to Chuck E Cheese today.

She goes nuts when she gets to see him in person!

Scott, Avery and I went up to Denver to to celebrate cousin Zach's 4th birthday at the park.  It was a perfect day to spend outside with family!

Zach had a super great time with his new bike helmet and pads!

Pregger Chelsea is glowing!  Her belly is sticking out and she looks adorable.  I keep trying to feel here baby kick, but he/she is a stinker and stops kicking when I try to feel.  We all think its a boy.  But only time will tell!  Just like with Hannah, she is waiting until the big day arrives to find out what God has given to her!
This is part of the building we held the BBQ.

The girls made a HopScotch.  I caught a picture of Avery in mid jump!

Tune in tomorrow for a day of relaxation!
We are all beat.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Circus Circus

Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus is here!  So we drove down the the World Arena to see them.

We made it early enough to catch the animals outside.

Can you believe they have zebras.  Did you know that they are really black with white stripes?

We also watched the pre-show.  This elephant painted a picture!

It made for a long day, so Avery slept through a bit of the show.  (Really 15 minutes or so of the show, and all of intermission)

Avery fell in love with clowns today. So we turned her into one when we got home!

Jen's Bridal Shower

Avery got to accompany me to a friend's Bridal Shower in Fountain.  I get to work with Jen this coming year, as we've added her to our Spanish Department.  I am so excited!  She has so many bright ideas and is great with the students. 

While we were busy playing shower games, Avery was busy eating all of the chocolates and running around like a crazy person.

Fun Times.  Fun Times. 

I will leave you with another Avery funny:  Someone asked her how old she is.  She says "I'm two and a half.  I'll be three in knocked over!"  Ha Ha!  (I think she means October)

America the Beautiful Park

Avery and I took a trip to America the Beautiful park today, where we played in the water for a bit.  She also played for a while at the playground. 

 I was too exhausted from our castle trip and swimming yesterday that all I wanted to do all day is nap.  So after our adventure, we went home and took it easy.  I finished Harry Potter book number 5 while Avery played.  Then we watched the movie together!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bishop's Castle

We took a really cool adventure today to Bishop's Castle.  It's about 1hr and 1/2 maybe 2 hours south of here, west of Rye, Colorado.  It is located just off the Hwy 165.  Mr. Bishop is a gentleman who has building his castle by hand by himself for 43 years!  The craftmanship is superb the thought of one man doing this by himslef is mind-boggling.  I took tons and tons of pictures, so enjoy!

(Avery tried dressing herself today)

(Sami and Avery at Kohl's)

(Drive south of Pueblo to Rye, Colorado)

Bishop's Castle (43 years work in progress)


(Dragon's head)

(steps we traversed)

Main room

(looking up at the roof)
(Sami, Moriah, Danielle, Mike Moore)

(near the top)

(view from near the top)

(going down the stairs) - in one turret, they are stone.  In the other, they are wrought iron.

The Moore Family inside turret

(Avery had to ride in the Ergo, as the steps are a bit unstable for a wee one)

(This is the highest Avery and I went, but Sami and Danielle went even higher!)

Danielle and Sami

At the bottom

Great Craftmanship

This is Lake Isabel.  I so so so want to camp and fish here!

Lake Isabel

I hope you've enjoyed one of my favorite days of this summer!