Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Father's Day!  It was very nice to spend the day at home with Scott.  Besides our trip to the store and to church in the morning, Avery and I spent all day at home.  It was a nice hot day here, so it was a perfect day to BBQ.  We invited a good family friend, Trent, and his daughter Paige over to eat a late lunch with us.  They are the kind of friends you know so well, that you don't feel like you have to entertain.  So just took it easy, ate, and played in the back yard.  Its cool when Trent comes over because Avery and I get to hear stories of the "maintenance man days."  Oh, the stories we've heard about the weird people who lived in the apartments they worked at.  But that topic would take a whole other blog to write about, I'm afraid.  Anyways, today's adventure is brought to you by:  side-walk chalk, bubbles, swimming pools, hamburgers, hot dogs, and blueberry pie.  Oh, and a big thanks to Trent for showing me stuff I didn't know about the phone I've had for nearly 6 months!  Ha!

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