Friday, June 25, 2010


Today was one of the most adventurous days we've had, mostly because we got to see a lot of our most favorite people!  Our day began with a quick ride around the living room on a pedal bike we picked up at the ARC.  Her feet can touch the pedals really well, so it should just be a matter of time for her to get the hang of it.  But for now, Daddy and I are the source of man-power she uses to get going.  We really should start charging for our services. 

Later we enjoyed a picnic at the water park (the same park with the circle fountain we went to before).  We met my friend Amanda there and her two kiddos.  Reagan is 3 and Breckin is 11 months.  Also, my sister-in-law, Chelsea, came by for a visit with Hanna!  So we all enjoyed a picnic under a nice tree and then spent the rest of the time splashing in the water.  This here is the little man, Breckin.  He is sporting his two-toothy smile for me as I tickle him.  I had to do something to make up for the times Avery pulled his hair. 

Later at home, when Avery was in bed, I picked up my mom at the airport.  She is here to visit for a week!  We plan to have even more exciting adventures together!
On the way to the airport, I got lost.  But along the way, I sighted a UFO!  It was atop a house, about to take off!  I didn't get a great picture, because I used my cell phone to take it.  I plan to submit my photo to E News or Nancy Grace.  I think I could become famous!

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