Saturday, June 5, 2010

DAY 5 (ROAD TRIP) (pictures are off, I played with it for an hour and this blog page is set up to where I can't do it the way I want)

Today was a LONG day. Avery and I left Daddy and Chuckles at home to go and visit family in Wyoming. We left at 9 am and had quite an adventure all the way to Evanston! Here is a re-cap of our visit:

9am-10am: Favorite activity - coloring in an Elmo coloring book and talking about trees.

10am-11am- Avery talks about getting out. We meet Chelsea at a park and I admire her ring. (picture not shown)

11am-12am: Avery watches Handy Manny on my laptop.

This tree grew right through a rock. Kind of makes you think twice when something seems impossible, hu?

12-ish: laptop mysteriously looses power as we cross the Wyoming border.

12am to 1pm: I am running out of power. Must . . . keep . . . going . . .

(picture of President Lincoln near Laramie, Wyoming)

Avery naps for a mere 30 minutes.

Sinclair, Wyoming: The Butthole of the Universe!

Pretty Scenery through Wyoming

Avery is hungry for marshmallows!

We get to Holly's house at 5pm. Avery can finally play with a cousin!

Last leg of the trip: I think we are ALL going crazy!

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