Saturday, July 3, 2010


On account of being older, my mind is turning to mush.  Here are a few examples I can document.  First of all, I thought today was Thursday all day.  But I am blaming that on being on summer vacation.  But the true blunder was when I met up with a friend for drinks.  It was his birthday today and he asked a few friends to meet up at Old Chicago's to celebrate.  Since our birthdays are only a few days apart, we usually exchange cards and share a pizza or something.  Anyhow, today he gave me my card and said, "What are you now, 31?"  I said, "Uh . . . I was thinking I was 32."  The truth was, ever since Saturday when we were camping, I was thinking that I turned 32.  My friend informed me that I was indeed incorrect and that I am now 31 years old.  So in a way, I've digressed a year.  So yeah for me.  I am a year younger, though my mind is getting soupy.

I took Avery to the Airplane Restaurant today for dinner.  If you've never been, its located off of Powers Blvd. near Fountain.  They've taken and old plane and made a restaurant out of it.  One of the plane's wings is inside of the restaurant as the cabin sits adjacent/attached to the building.  After walking around the restaurant scoping out rabbits, Avery and I were seated by our flight attendant (a graduate of Falcon High School) in the cabin of the plane.  Later our pilot took our order. After we ate our hot dog and wings, she got to play in the cockpit. 

After our adventure, we went to buy some fireworks.  I usually try and stay as far away from fireworks as I can.  In fact, I don't think I have ever purchased a firework in my life.  But today, I broke my tradition and purchased some sparklers and snakes so that Avery can partake in the 4th of July tradition.

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