Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Avery and I had no real plans today except to go to the post office.  The funny thing is we were going to go there for the sole purpose of sending a house-warming card to Grandpa Dan.  He used to live 7 hours away, but he just built a house 45 minutes away in Pueblo and recently  moved int.  So as we were getting ready to go out the door, we heard a knock, and it was him!  He brought with him his son, Brandon and daughter, Brittney.  They were just bumming around like us, so we decided to bum around together. 

Avery loved it when we went to the park and Grandpa pushed her in the swing!

After that, Avery, Brittney, and I went to the mall to find some cute boys (for her, not me!) and grab a bit to eat.  It was an unexpected adventure, but a fun one!

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