Monday, July 5, 2010


Happy 4th everyone! 

Someone made a comment at church this morning that is still bothering me.  I know it was probably meant as a joke considering the situation, and I am trying not to take it too personally, but it continues to eat at me.  I was scheduled to help in the nursery this morning, which is great, because I get to hang out with the kiddos.  But while I was in there, a newer baby came in and I got to hold him.  As I was holding him, Avery bit his toe.  I gave her a time-out and she apologized but later, she pinched his cheek warranting another time-out.  I was trying to handle the situation the best I knew how, and the other mommies and grandmommies in there were encouraging, saying that she was probably jealous that I was holding another baby.  Anyways, one of the other ladies said that I probably shouldn't have any other kids then.  I sort of laughed it off, trying not to show that I was offended.  But it stabbed me a bit.  I doubt she said it to hurt me, and frankly, I've forgotten who it even was who said it.  (God's way of helping me to not hold a grudge?)   To make things worse, I left the nursery because it was really slow.  When I cam back after church to pick Avery up, they said that they had to give Avery some more time-outs for pulling other kids' hair, and scratching their faces. :(   Needless to say, we had a disappointing morning.

Nevertheless, we did have a great time celebrating the 4th of July.  Cheston and Julia came over to grill some burgers.  Scott swam in the pool with Avery as Julia, Cheston, and I sipped some beers.  (I was too lazy to go to an actual liquor store after having stopped already at two grocery stores to get the eats, that I bought 3.2 beer from Safeway!  Khee Khee Khee - but no one noticed!)  Well, the food and cheap beer filled our bellies and got us ready to do some sparklers.  Sparklers these days seem more dangerous than when I was a kid.  I burnt my foot from stepping on a piece that broke off during the festivities!  But Avery enjoyed them as did our dog Chuckles. 

We ended the night by watching God's fireworks in the sky from inside the house.  We got sprinkled on a bit, but other parts of the city got dumped on.  We even survived the whole evening without any injuries from our little face-scratcher.

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