Thursday, July 22, 2010


It was Scott's last day of vacation today, so he chose today to do a little relaxing.  For Scott, that meant putting the last bit of sod in the yard, washing his truck, and going mini-golfing.  Though we did have some time to relax and watch a movie during the day, thanks to Avery's nap.  Cheston offered to come over and put in some sod while Scott chilled out with us.  He's been quite a huge help on this yard project. 

Avery helped to by testing out the grass.  I think I said in an earlier blog that we've been letting her try to chew gum.  Here is a picture of her showing me that she still has it.  I told her today that if she swallows it, she might poop out bubbles.  It was meant to deter her from swallowing it, but my comment may have made it more appealing.  Hee Hee.

Today, she asked for a piece of gum when Scott and I were both downstairs.  We told her "no," but she could try again tomorrow.  So a few minutes later, Scott went up to the bedroom to change clothes.  Avery went up there, peeked into the closet where he was, look up at him, and whispered quietly (as if it were some secret co-op mission against Mom) "Daddy, piece of gum?"  Scott came down and told me of the conspiracy. 

Later, we took Avery to play putt-putt-golf for the first time.  She started off with a club, but shortly after the first hole, she commenced to be in charge of all of our balls.  Cheston played a little ahead, as he was actually keeping score.  Scott and I pretty much hit a few balls and watched Avery chase after them.  It was all in good fun.  I'll have you know that Cheston's score was exactly par for the course (44).  Scott and I had higher scores I am sure.  However, if you count the baby obstacles we encountered on every hole, we really should have won!

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