Monday, July 19, 2010


We are running low on adventures today.  Every day has been a yard work day.  And since a lot of the work is too dangerous or messy for Avery, she and I thought it would be fun to go to Chuck E Cheese.  Its a block from our house and we pass it daily.  So she is well aware of the promise of fun the big mouse offers and reminds me every time we drive past, that she would totally love me forever if I took her there.  So today, I took her up on her offer.  (I'll remind her of our deal when she is a teenager!) 

She loves to go into the birthday party section, where Chuck E Cheese sings on stage.  She always asks the robot mouse to hold her.  Each time, I kindly say that he has to go night-night, then the curtain closes.  But today, as we were giving our tickets to the ticket monster (ticket counting machine), Chuck E Cheese came up to us.  She was elated!  She gave him a high five, a hug hug, and smiled from ear to ear.  She even followed him around and told him to "hold 'er mouse."

When we got home, Avery helped line up the bottles of water and cans of soda along the back porch. She did put them all back, but later Scott also found a hand shovel in the cooler along with the drinks.  I guess the shovel was sick of the heat too and wanted to party with some of the "cool" people.

A small victory:  I have been letting Avery try a small piece of gum every day.  She knows to "just chew it," but usually swallows it within a few minutes.  Well, today she chewed the same piece for 30 minutes!  Yay!

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