Thursday, July 1, 2010


After 3 days of camping, we all felt about 25 years older.  It was nice to get home and sleep in real beds.  I am still washing campfire smell out of my hair.  Although camping is fun, it sure is hard work.  I haven't yet allowed myself to enter the real world yet, so I haven't taken any pictures lately.  My phone stayed dead for a day and I finally plugged it in the night we got back (I use it to take pictures for this blog).  Oh, and thanks to those of you who called to wish me a Happy Birthday.  I am sorry I didn't return your calls! - BAD ME!   Although, Fawna did send my some chocolate covered strawberries that arrived the day we got back.  Here is a picture of them.  And yes, there were every bit as good as they look! 

Avery has had a few small adventures in these days of recuperation, however.  We took mom to America the Beautiful Park where we all had a great time in the water and under my super-cool SportBrella mom got for my birthday!  The funniest part of today was trying to keep Avery awake on the way home so that she would nap.  We tried everything!  It worked, but when we got home and put her in bed, she wanted nothing to do with sleeping.  Mom and I had a great laugh in the car trying to excite a drowsy Avery. 

Day 31:  Mom had to go home this evening, so we spend our last day, trying no to think about her leaving.  We took Avery to Lil' Biggs, where she was entertained with the indoor sandbox and riding the carousel.  Mom took some great pictures, but I again neglected to have my phone.  Instead, I am posting the pictures I took in the morning of Avery trying on all of her Halloween outfits!

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